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Human Givens

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Reduce anxiety – which might take the form of continually feeling stressed,

panic attacks, fears, phobias, lack of confidence or overwhelming stress and pressure

Resolve Trauma - Psychotherapeutic techniques to help resolve embedded painful emotional memories from these past trauma/s continuing to burden your life.

Resolve Behavioural Problems - Focuses on practical psychological and psychotherapeutic techniques from a wide range of approaches that have been proven (not only by research but practical experience) to be effective for reducing emotional distress and behavioural problems.

Achieve Goals - To help you achieve your goals by reconnecting with your inner resources to enable you to move forward in a positive empowering way.

Fast results - The success of the Human Givens approach is evidenced by research findings that show it helps an unprecedented three out of four clients achieve significant improvement or resolution, usually between one and six sessions.

Positive Therapy - Involves finding ways to reframe those difficult events by applying a brief and solution-focused therapy, aiming to help you regain control over your life as quickly as possible with an immediate feeling of upliftment

Helps resolve addiction, phobias and OCD with successful therapeutic practices

More About Human Needs


Human Givens has been developed over an 20 year period by its founders Joe Griffin and Ivan Tyrell, who have been revolutionising the effective treatment for mental health and behavioural problems. Together they compiled a set of organised ideas from new and existing (650 models) of counselling and psychotherapy, and  fundamental principles of what it means to be human in order to develop a simple, robust, scientifically up to date co-ordinated and agreed bio-phyco-social model of what is needed for healthy human functioning.

We as human beings have a built-in capacity to heal and overcome great adversity. We are born with innate knowledge written in our DNA from which we can learn to achieve our physical and emotional needs by recognising patterns in our environment. This gives us flexibility to keep us safe and the capacity to learn in an ever-changing world. This means that your brain is continuously searching for patterns through what we see, feel, and hear. We can see this instinctive part of brain functioning when babies are born and seek out a teat.

Throughout life, we develop knowledge through this pattern recognition response and filter it through feelings of physical and emotional need, and experience it through differing personalities and environmental factors, which influences how we negotiate and perceive our world.

Human needs

  • Security – safe territory and an environment which allows us to develop fully

  • Attention - to give it and receive it from significant others

  • Sense of autonomy and control – being able to make responsible choices about our own lives 

  • Emotional intimacy – to know that at least one other person accepts us totally for who we are

  • Community – feeling connected to a group or groups beyond family

  • Status – being appreciated for our contributions within the social groupings of which we are a part

  • Privacy – opportunity to reflect and consolidate experience

  • Achievement – when you can say to yourself: “I’m glad I did that!”

  • Meaning – which comes from being stretched in what we do and how we think

To obtain our physical and emotional needs, nature has gifted us our very own internal 'guidance programme' – this, together with our needs, makes up what we call the Human Givens. We come into the world with an instinctive knowledge of what we need and with a set of inner resources that can help us ‘get our needs met’.

This wonderful guidance system, unfortunately can be impeded when either our environment is sick, our internal guidance system is damaged either genetically, through emotional or physical trauma or lack of nourishment, and/or we are missing the coping skills, which could happen from unhealthy development or adversity. 

The Human Givens approach combines proven therapeutic techniques, such as cognitive, behavioural or interpersonal therapy, solution focused approaches, motivational interviewing, reflective listening and guided imagery, alongside the latest neuroscientific findings which is continually increasing our knowledge of what it means to be human and our understanding of what people need to maintain emotional wellbeing.

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